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nell bipartite.tex (1409B)

      1 \begin{tikzpicture}[
      2 		entity/.style={},
      3 		relation/.style={anchor=base east}]
      4 \matrix[name=entities, matrix of nodes, row sep=1mm, anchor=west, column 1/.style={anchor=base west}] at (-2.4, 0) {
      5 	\node[entity] (Italy)     {Italy}; \\
      6 	\node[entity] (Peru)      {Peru}; \\
      7 	\node[entity] (Kenya)     {Kenya}; \\
      8 	\node[entity] (Rome)      {Rome}; \\
      9 	\node[entity] (Lima)      {Lima}; \\
     10 	\node[entity] (Nairobi)   {Nairobi}; \\
     11 	\node[entity] (Brejar)    {Samuel Brejar}; \\
     12 	\node[entity] (Gracchus)  {Tiberius Gracchus}; \\
     13 };
     15 \matrix[name=relations, matrix of nodes, row sep=3mm, anchor=east] at (2.4, 0) {
     16 	\node[relation] (capital of e2) {\textsl{capital of} \(e_2\)}; \\
     17 	\node[relation] (e1 capital of) {\(e_1\) \textsl{capital of}}; \\
     18 	\node[relation] (born in e2)    {\textsl{born in} \(e_2\)}; \\
     19 	\node[relation] (e1 born in)    {\(e_1\) \textsl{born in}}; \\
     20 };
     22 	\draw (Rome.east)     -- (e1 capital of.west);
     23 	\draw (Lima.east)     -- (e1 capital of.west);
     24 	\draw (Nairobi.east)  -- (e1 capital of.west);
     25 	\draw (Italy.east)    -- (capital of e2.west);
     26 	\draw (Peru.east)     -- (capital of e2.west);
     27 	\draw (Kenya.east)    -- (capital of e2.west);
     28 	\draw (Brejar.east)   -- (e1 born in.west);
     29 	\draw (Gracchus.east) -- (e1 born in.west);
     30 	\draw (Rome.east)     -- (born in e2.west);
     31 	\draw (Lima.east)     -- (born in e2.west);
     32 	\draw (Nairobi.east)  -- (born in e2.west);
     33 \end{tikzpicture}